That pump attendant is a qualified mechanic hor? can actually spell his name rite?
the reason the pump keep tripping is becos it is stick too far in la... pull it out a bit can leow.
if there is air in your fuel tank, what is in there? vacuum?? but he open a hole out in the filler cap leow leh to stick the pump in... so what's in there? fuel and air la.....
too much air... huh?? once you open your filler cap, the air inside and outside will equalise... dun you realise sometimes you open the filler cap, a woosh sound is heard? that's the air rushing in to equalise the pressure to normal. So open slowly to let air rush in slowly... if too sudden may spark, and cause explosion although highly unlikely... but opportunity is presented.
hmmm... you can let pump attendant sian one meh? must be damn yen dao rite? or is it a chio bu pumping you?